import redis, socket, os from config import config as co r = redis.Redis(host=co['host'], port=co['port'], unix_socket_path=co['unix_socket_path'], db=co['db']) def clear(): """ clear the window """ try: os.system('clear') except: os.system('cls') # def userexist(name): # """ # lista is a list for the set called USERSNAME. check if name is in lista # """ # lista = r.zrange('usersname', 0, -1) # for i in lista: # if name == i.decode('utf-8'): # return True # else: # return False class PersonalError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class Colors(object): red = '\033[91m' yellow = '\033[93m' grey = '\033[90m' black = '\033[0m' bold = '\033[1m'