from classes import userexist, PersonalError, r, host, clear, Colors from listcommands import ListCommands from config import config as co class Commands(object): def command(self, what, cmd): """ this function is used for execute a command """ if what == 'clear': clear() elif what == 'set': try: if cmd[1] == 'user' and cmd[2] is not None: #set name for user if len(cmd[2]) > 10: raise PersonalError('lunghezza maggiore del consetito. Max 10') if userexist(cmd[2]) == True: #check if the user exists raise PersonalError('questo nome utente esiste giĆ ') if len(cmd) >['set'][1]: raise PersonalError(Colors.grey + 'set user' + + ' accetta 1 parametro') if self.user != '': r.zrem('usersname', self.user) #if user already exists, del the name from set self.user = cmd[2] r.hset('user:'+host, 'name', self.user) #change name of user: r.zadd('usersname', self.user, 0) #insert new name into the set print('Ok') elif cmd[1] is not ListCommands.commands['set']: raise KeyError except IndexError: ListCommands.err('wrong') except KeyError: ListCommands.err('keyword') except PersonalError as e: ListCommands.err('personal', e.value) elif what == 'get': try: if len(cmd) >['get'][1]: raise PersonalError(Colors.grey + 'get ' + + 'accetta 2 parametri') if cmd[1] == 'i': #if first word after get is 'i', there is an info if cmd[2] == 'user': #if self.user is empty, print 'nil' if self.user != '': print(r.hget('user:'+host, 'name').decode('utf-8')) else: print('nil') elif cmd[2] not in ListCommands.commands['get'][1]: #check if the word after 'i' exists ListCommands.err('keyword') else: print(co[cmd[2]]) elif cmd[1] == 'user?': #if there are more than 2 word after 'get', the func doens't work if len(cmd) > 3: raise PersonalError(Colors.grey + 'get user?' + + ' accetta 1 parametro') #return 1 if the user exists print((lambda x: '0' if x == False else '1')(userexist(cmd[2]))) else: raise KeyError except IndexError: ListCommands.err('wrong') except KeyError: ListCommands.err('keyword') except PersonalError as e: ListCommands.err('personal', e.value)