use crate::Config; use std::{thread, time}; use thirtyfour::error::{WebDriverError, WebDriverErrorInfo, WebDriverErrorValue}; use thirtyfour::prelude::{By, WebDriverResult}; use thirtyfour::{FirefoxCapabilities, WebDriver, WebDriverCommands}; const LOGIN_URL: &str = ""; pub struct Browser { driver: Option, } impl Browser { pub async fn new(driver_url: &String) -> Self { Self { driver: Some( WebDriver::new(driver_url, FirefoxCapabilities::new()) .await .unwrap(), ), } } // TODO: Close the driver fixing the borrowing error // async fn _close(self) -> Result<(), Box> { // Ok(()) // } pub async unsafe fn _login(&self, credentials: &Config) -> WebDriverResult<()> { if let Some(_d) = &self.driver { _d.get(LOGIN_URL).await?; let cf_input = _d.find_element(By::Name("ctl01$contents$UserName")).await?; cf_input.send_keys(&; let psw_input = _d .find_element(By::Name("ctl01$contents$UserPassword")) .await?; psw_input.send_keys(&credentials.password).await?; thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(1000)); _d.find_element(By::Name("ctl01$contents$LogonButton")) .await? .click() .await?; thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(2000)); if _d.current_url().await? == LOGIN_URL { return Err(WebDriverError::SessionNotCreated(WebDriverErrorInfo { status: 400, error: "SessionNotCreated".to_string(), value: WebDriverErrorValue { message: "SessionNotCreated".to_string(), error: None, stacktrace: None, data: None, }, })); } } Ok(()) } } pub static mut WEB_BROWSER: Option = None;