# Verden 🌐🎨 This software is part of a project for the Web Programming course at UNICT. --- This is an UI wrote in Vue.js for the backend of Verden. Here below you can read how to run locally this app and how to set up on production. # Development It works with Node v14.6 and Vue 2. If you use [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) you can just call `nvm use` into the folder. 1. Clone this repo ``` git clone https://git.dcariotti.me/verden/verden-ui ``` 2. Install packages ``` cd verden-ui npm i ``` 3. Run server ``` npm run dev ``` # Production This is a guide for a good deploy on a [Dokku](https://dokku.me) server, which deploys Verden on port 80. 1. Log into the server and create a new app ``` dokku apps:create verden ``` 2. Set docker-options ``` dokku docker-options:add build '--build-arg BACKEND_URL=' dokku docker-options:add build '--build-arg SENTRY_DSN=' dokku docker-options:add build '--build-arg SENTRY_RATE=' dokku docker-options:add build '--build-arg SENTRY_ENV=' ``` 3. Add a remote and push this code ``` git remote add dokku dokku_user@your_server:verden git push dokku main ``` 4. Install [Let's Encrypt](https://github.com/dokku/dokku-letsencrypt) ``` sudo dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-letsencrypt.git dokku config:set --no-restart verden DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=your_email dokku letsencrypt:enable verden ``` 5. Enjoy Verden at `https://verden.`