path: root/Year_3/TSDWL/WSDL/FootballClient/build/generated-sources/jax-ws/https/footballpool_dataaccess/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Year_3/TSDWL/WSDL/FootballClient/build/generated-sources/jax-ws/https/footballpool_dataaccess/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 528 deletions
diff --git a/Year_3/TSDWL/WSDL/FootballClient/build/generated-sources/jax-ws/https/footballpool_dataaccess/ b/Year_3/TSDWL/WSDL/FootballClient/build/generated-sources/jax-ws/https/footballpool_dataaccess/
deleted file mode 100644
index adc801f..0000000
--- a/Year_3/TSDWL/WSDL/FootballClient/build/generated-sources/jax-ws/https/footballpool_dataaccess/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-package https.footballpool_dataaccess;
-import javax.jws.WebMethod;
-import javax.jws.WebParam;
-import javax.jws.WebResult;
-import javax.jws.WebService;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
- * This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI.
- * JAX-WS RI 2.2.6-1b01
- * Generated source version: 2.2
- *
- */
-@WebService(name = "InfoSoapType", targetNamespace = "")
- ObjectFactory.class
-public interface InfoSoapType {
- /**
- * Returns an array with the information about the given yellow and red cards in all games. What date, minute, teams that were playing and player name
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftAllCardsInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "AllCardsInfo")
- @WebResult(name = "AllCardsInfoResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "AllCardsInfo", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllCardsInfo")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "AllCardsInfoResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllCardsInfoResponse")
- public ArrayOftAllCardsInfo allCardsInfo();
- /**
- * Returns an array with the id, name, country and flag reference of all players. Pass a 0 for all players and 1 for only the selected players.
- *
- * @param bSelected
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftPlayerName
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "AllPlayerNames")
- @WebResult(name = "AllPlayerNamesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "AllPlayerNames", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllPlayerNames")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "AllPlayerNamesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllPlayerNamesResponse")
- public ArrayOftPlayerName allPlayerNames(
- @WebParam(name = "bSelected", targetNamespace = "")
- boolean bSelected);
- /**
- * Returns an array with the names of all players that have a yellow or a red card. The number of yellow and red cards is returned.
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftTeamPlayerCardInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "AllPlayersWithCards")
- @WebResult(name = "AllPlayersWithCardsResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "AllPlayersWithCards", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllPlayersWithCards")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "AllPlayersWithCardsResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllPlayersWithCardsResponse")
- public ArrayOftTeamPlayerCardInfo allPlayersWithCards();
- /**
- * Returns an array with the names of all players that have the passed player role. If you pass a team name the result will be filtered on that team. For possible team names call the function TeamNames. For possible role codes call the function PlayerRoles
- *
- * @param sRoleCode
- * @param sTeamName
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftTeamPlayerName
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "AllPlayersWithRole")
- @WebResult(name = "AllPlayersWithRoleResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "AllPlayersWithRole", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllPlayersWithRole")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "AllPlayersWithRoleResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllPlayersWithRoleResponse")
- public ArrayOftTeamPlayerName allPlayersWithRole(
- @WebParam(name = "sTeamName", targetNamespace = "")
- String sTeamName,
- @WebParam(name = "sRoleCode", targetNamespace = "")
- String sRoleCode);
- /**
- * Returns an array with the information stored about all stadiums. The array contains the names, the city where the stadium can be found, the seat capacity, the google maps and wikipedia URLs
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftStadiumInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "AllStadiumInfo")
- @WebResult(name = "AllStadiumInfoResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "AllStadiumInfo", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllStadiumInfo")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "AllStadiumInfoResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllStadiumInfoResponse")
- public ArrayOftStadiumInfo allStadiumInfo();
- /**
- * Returns an array with the names of all the coaches and the team name he/she is coaching
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftTeamCoachName
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "AllTeamCoachNames")
- @WebResult(name = "AllTeamCoachNamesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "AllTeamCoachNames", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllTeamCoachNames")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "AllTeamCoachNamesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.AllTeamCoachNamesResponse")
- public ArrayOftTeamCoachName allTeamCoachNames();
- /**
- * Returns the total number of red or yellow cards given for all games (iGameNumber < 1) or a specific game. For the game numbers call the function ResultsAllGames
- *
- * @param bYellow
- * @param iGameNumber
- * @return
- * returns int
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "Cards")
- @WebResult(name = "CardsResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "Cards", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.Cards")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "CardsResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.CardsResponse")
- public int cards(
- @WebParam(name = "bYellow", targetNamespace = "")
- boolean bYellow,
- @WebParam(name = "iGameNumber", targetNamespace = "")
- int iGameNumber);
- /**
- * Returns an array with all the city names where games are played
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOfString
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "CityNames")
- @WebResult(name = "CityNamesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "CityNames", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.CityNames")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "CityNamesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.CityNamesResponse")
- public ArrayOfString cityNames();
- /**
- * Get the top 25 countries starting with or containing the value of sName
- *
- * @param sCountryName
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftCountry
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "Countries")
- @WebResult(name = "CountriesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "Countries", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.Countries")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "CountriesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.CountriesResponse")
- public ArrayOftCountry countries(
- @WebParam(name = "sCountryName", targetNamespace = "")
- String sCountryName);
- /**
- * Returns an array with a play levels and per level the start and end game date and ID
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftGameLevelInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "FirstLastGamesEachLevel")
- @WebResult(name = "FirstLastGamesEachLevelResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "FirstLastGamesEachLevel", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.FirstLastGamesEachLevel")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "FirstLastGamesEachLevelResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.FirstLastGamesEachLevelResponse")
- public ArrayOftGameLevelInfo firstLastGamesEachLevel();
- /**
- * Returns an array of Game IDs grouped by City Name
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftGameIDsPerCity
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GameIDsGroupedByCity")
- @WebResult(name = "GameIDsGroupedByCityResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GameIDsGroupedByCity", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GameIDsGroupedByCity")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GameIDsGroupedByCityResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GameIDsGroupedByCityResponse")
- public ArrayOftGameIDsPerCity gameIDsGroupedByCity();
- /**
- * Returns the results of a given game (pass the game ID). For the game numbers call the function ResultsAllGames
- *
- * @param iGameNumber
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.TGameResult
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GameScore")
- @WebResult(name = "GameScoreResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GameScore", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GameScore")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GameScoreResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GameScoreResponse")
- public TGameResult gameScore(
- @WebParam(name = "iGameNumber", targetNamespace = "")
- int iGameNumber);
- /**
- * Returns the score for a team in a game. For the game numbers call the function ResultsAllGames. For the team ID call the function Teams
- *
- * @param iTeamId
- * @param iGameNumber
- * @return
- * returns int
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GameTeamScore")
- @WebResult(name = "GameTeamScoreResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GameTeamScore", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GameTeamScore")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GameTeamScoreResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GameTeamScoreResponse")
- public int gameTeamScore(
- @WebParam(name = "iGameNumber", targetNamespace = "")
- int iGameNumber,
- @WebParam(name = "iTeamId", targetNamespace = "")
- int iTeamId);
- /**
- * Returns the total number of goals scored
- *
- * @return
- * returns int
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GoalsScored")
- @WebResult(name = "GoalsScoredResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GoalsScored", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GoalsScored")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GoalsScoredResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GoalsScoredResponse")
- public int goalsScored();
- /**
- * Returns the date of the first game in this group
- *
- * @param sGroupCode
- * @return
- * returns javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GroupFirstGameDate")
- @WebResult(name = "GroupFirstGameDateResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GroupFirstGameDate", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupFirstGameDate")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GroupFirstGameDateResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupFirstGameDateResponse")
- public XMLGregorianCalendar groupFirstGameDate(
- @WebParam(name = "sGroupCode", targetNamespace = "")
- String sGroupCode);
- /**
- * Returns a list of groups (poule phase and later round of 16 etc) and the information such as name and date first and last game
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftGroupInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GroupInfo")
- @WebResult(name = "GroupInfoResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GroupInfo", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupInfo")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GroupInfoResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupInfoResponse")
- public ArrayOftGroupInfo groupInfo();
- /**
- * Returns the date of the last game in this group. For the group code call the function GroupInfo
- *
- * @param sGroupCode
- * @return
- * returns javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GroupLastGameDate")
- @WebResult(name = "GroupLastGameDateResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GroupLastGameDate", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupLastGameDate")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GroupLastGameDateResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupLastGameDateResponse")
- public XMLGregorianCalendar groupLastGameDate(
- @WebParam(name = "sGroupCode", targetNamespace = "")
- String sGroupCode);
- /**
- * Returns an the standings in each group by passing the group ID. For the group ID call the function GroupInfo
- *
- * @param iGroupId
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftGroupStanding
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "GroupStandings")
- @WebResult(name = "GroupStandingsResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "GroupStandings", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupStandings")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "GroupStandingsResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.GroupStandingsResponse")
- public ArrayOftGroupStanding groupStandings(
- @WebParam(name = "iGroupId", targetNamespace = "")
- int iGroupId);
- /**
- * Returns the date of the first game in this level. For a level Number call the Levels Function.
- *
- * @param iLevel
- * @return
- * returns javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "LevelFirstGameDate")
- @WebResult(name = "LevelFirstGameDateResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "LevelFirstGameDate", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.LevelFirstGameDate")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "LevelFirstGameDateResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.LevelFirstGameDateResponse")
- public XMLGregorianCalendar levelFirstGameDate(
- @WebParam(name = "iLevel", targetNamespace = "")
- int iLevel);
- /**
- * Returns the date of the last game in this level For a level number call the Levels function. For a level Number call the Levels Function.
- *
- * @param iLevel
- * @return
- * returns javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "LevelLastGameDate")
- @WebResult(name = "LevelLastGameDateResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "LevelLastGameDate", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.LevelLastGameDate")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "LevelLastGameDateResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.LevelLastGameDateResponse")
- public XMLGregorianCalendar levelLastGameDate(
- @WebParam(name = "iLevel", targetNamespace = "")
- int iLevel);
- /**
- * Returns a array with level numbers. The numbers can be used in functions that require or offer an option to pass a level number such as LevelFirstGameDate
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOfInt
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "Levels")
- @WebResult(name = "LevelsResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "Levels", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.Levels")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "LevelsResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.LevelsResponse")
- public ArrayOfInt levels();
- /**
- * Returns a list with tournament dates
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOfdate
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "MatchDates")
- @WebResult(name = "MatchDatesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "MatchDates", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.MatchDates")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "MatchDatesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.MatchDatesResponse")
- public ArrayOfdate matchDates();
- /**
- * Returns an array with the next games of date that is greater than or equal to today. Only games of one day are returned.
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftNextGame
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "NextGames")
- @WebResult(name = "NextGamesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "NextGames", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.NextGames")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "NextGamesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.NextGamesResponse")
- public ArrayOftNextGame nextGames();
- /**
- * Get the top 10 players where name, fullname, firstname or lastname contains the value of sName
- *
- * @param sName
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftPlayer
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "Players")
- @WebResult(name = "PlayersResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "Players", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.Players")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "PlayersResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.PlayersResponse")
- public ArrayOftPlayer players(
- @WebParam(name = "sName", targetNamespace = "")
- String sName);
- /**
- * Returns an array with the roles a player can have (defender etc)
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftPlayerRole
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "PlayerRoles")
- @WebResult(name = "PlayerRolesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "PlayerRoles", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.PlayerRoles")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "PlayerRolesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.PlayerRolesResponse")
- public ArrayOftPlayerRole playerRoles();
- /**
- * Returns an array with the names of all players that have a yellow or a red card. The number of yellow and red cards is returned.
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftTeamPlayerCardRankInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "PlayersWithCardsRanked")
- @WebResult(name = "PlayersWithCardsRankedResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "PlayersWithCardsRanked", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.PlayersWithCardsRanked")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "PlayersWithCardsRankedResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.PlayersWithCardsRankedResponse")
- public ArrayOftTeamPlayerCardRankInfo playersWithCardsRanked();
- /**
- * Returns an array with the names of all players that have scored a goal.
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftTeamPlayerGoalsRankInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "PlayersWithGoalsRanked")
- @WebResult(name = "PlayersWithGoalsRankedResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "PlayersWithGoalsRanked", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.PlayersWithGoalsRanked")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "PlayersWithGoalsRankedResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.PlayersWithGoalsRankedResponse")
- public ArrayOftTeamPlayerGoalsRankInfo playersWithGoalsRanked();
- /**
- * Returns game result of all games overall, in one group or at one level. When groupid < 1 All games are processed (optionally filtered by level). A Group ID or level can be retrieved via GroupInfo.
- *
- * @param iGroupId
- * @param iLevel
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftGameResult
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "ResultsAllGames")
- @WebResult(name = "ResultsAllGamesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "ResultsAllGames", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.ResultsAllGames")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "ResultsAllGamesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.ResultsAllGamesResponse")
- public ArrayOftGameResult resultsAllGames(
- @WebParam(name = "iGroupId", targetNamespace = "")
- int iGroupId,
- @WebParam(name = "iLevel", targetNamespace = "")
- int iLevel);
- /**
- * Returns a URL that can be used to show a small map of the stadium. For the name of the stadium call the funciton StadiumNames
- *
- * @param sStadiumName
- * @return
- * returns java.lang.String
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "StadiumGoogleMapsURL")
- @WebResult(name = "StadiumGoogleMapsURLResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "StadiumGoogleMapsURL", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.StadiumGoogleMapsURL")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "StadiumGoogleMapsURLResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.StadiumGoogleMapsURLResponse")
- public String stadiumGoogleMapsURL(
- @WebParam(name = "sStadiumName", targetNamespace = "")
- String sStadiumName);
- /**
- * Returns the information stored about a particular stadium. For that pass the exact name of the stadium. For the name of the stadium call the funciton StadiumNames
- *
- * @param sStadiumName
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.TStadiumInfo
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "StadiumInfo")
- @WebResult(name = "StadiumInfoResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "StadiumInfo", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.StadiumInfo")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "StadiumInfoResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.StadiumInfoResponse")
- public TStadiumInfo stadiumInfo(
- @WebParam(name = "sStadiumName", targetNamespace = "")
- String sStadiumName);
- /**
- * Returns an array of stadium names where the games are played
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOfString
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "StadiumNames")
- @WebResult(name = "StadiumNamesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "StadiumNames", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.StadiumNames")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "StadiumNamesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.StadiumNamesResponse")
- public ArrayOfString stadiumNames();
- /**
- * Returns a list of team IDs based on passed GroupCode (e.g A or H). For the group code call the function GroupInfo
- *
- * @param sGroupCode
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOfInt
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "TeamIDsByGroup")
- @WebResult(name = "TeamIDsByGroupResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "TeamIDsByGroup", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TeamIDsByGroup")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "TeamIDsByGroupResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TeamIDsByGroupResponse")
- public ArrayOfInt teamIDsByGroup(
- @WebParam(name = "sGroupCode", targetNamespace = "")
- String sGroupCode);
- /**
- * Get the players of a team. This is the current squad. For the team name call the function TeamNames. Pass a 1 for selected players only or 0 for all registered players that belong to the team (now and in the past)
- *
- * @param sTeamName
- * @param bSelected
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftPlayer
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "TeamPlayers")
- @WebResult(name = "TeamPlayersResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "TeamPlayers", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TeamPlayers")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "TeamPlayersResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TeamPlayersResponse")
- public ArrayOftPlayer teamPlayers(
- @WebParam(name = "sTeamName", targetNamespace = "")
- String sTeamName,
- @WebParam(name = "bSelected", targetNamespace = "")
- boolean bSelected);
- /**
- * Returns an array with team names. The names can be used in functions that require or offer an option to pass a teamname
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOfString
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "TeamNames")
- @WebResult(name = "TeamNamesResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "TeamNames", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TeamNames")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "TeamNamesResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TeamNamesResponse")
- public ArrayOfString teamNames();
- /**
- * Get the top 10 teams starting with or containing the value of sTeamName. For the team name call the function TeamNames
- *
- * @param sTeamName
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftTeam
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "Teams")
- @WebResult(name = "TeamsResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "Teams", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.Teams")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "TeamsResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TeamsResponse")
- public ArrayOftTeam teams(
- @WebParam(name = "sTeamName", targetNamespace = "")
- String sTeamName);
- /**
- * Returns an array with the 5 best performing players.
- *
- * @return
- * returns https.footballpool_dataaccess.ArrayOftTopScorerTop5
- */
- @WebMethod(operationName = "TopScorersList")
- @WebResult(name = "TopScorersListResult", targetNamespace = "")
- @RequestWrapper(localName = "TopScorersList", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TopScorersList")
- @ResponseWrapper(localName = "TopScorersListResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "https.footballpool_dataaccess.TopScorersListResponse")
- public ArrayOftTopScorerTop5 topScorersList();